Many people suffer a bout of dizziness from time to time due to exhaustion, flu, and other temporary issues. However, frequent bouts of dizziness and vertigo can be linked to various ear and brain-related health complaints, including but not limited to;

  • Headaches and balance issues

  • Tinnitus

  • Perilymphatic fistula

  • Meniere’s disease

  • BPPV

  • Tumour or stroke

  • Acoustic neuroma

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Acute viral infection of shingles

  • Motion sickness

  • Altered blood pressure

Contrary to popular opinion, vertigo isn’t a fear of heights, although it can surface because of this. Likewise, it isn’t a feeling of faintness, rather a sensation of the room spinning.

What’s the difference between peripheral vertigo and central vertigo?

While dizziness can occur for many different reasons, most cases of vertigo will fall into one of two categories: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo. Central vertigo occurs when there is a lesion or dysfunction of the brainstem vestibular apparatus. Peripheral vertigo may occur as a result of problems in the peripheral vestibular system from the inner ear to the vestibular division of the VIIIth cranial nerve. Peripheral vertigo accounts for over 90% of all causes of vertigo. 

Another form of peripheral vertigo is called Cervicogenic Vertigo. This occurs when joints that are out of position in the neck send abnormal proprioceptive (joint position) signals to the brain. This can make it very difficult to balance! This common form of vertigo responds very well to Chiropractic management.

Temporary issues may stem from viral infections and inflammations, but recurring bouts need a professional assessment. 

What lifestyle changes can be used to aid recovery from vertigo?

Whether it’s vertigo or a bout of dizziness, several lifestyle changes can be incorporated to reduce the severity of symptoms during a bout. Prescribed changes will depend on the type of vertigo you have. 

While lifestyle changes don’t fix the underlying problems, they do aid in the management of symptoms. When used to support a genuinely effective treatment plan, vertigo no longer needs to take control of your life.

Chiropractic treatments for vertigo sufferers

Different types of vertigo can be linked to various body parts, and loosening tightness or restoring movement through Chiropractic treatments can have a telling impact on the frequency and severity of symptoms. 

A full assessment of your vertigo symptoms and nervous system is the first step towards successful treatments. To book yours today, give us a call.