If you are suffering from pain in your neck or back, it’s possible that you are suffering from a disc injury. You might have been dealing with this pain for a significant period of time and you could have been struggling to find an effective solution. We’re delighted to be able to offer the treatment that you likely need. 

What Is A Disc Injury 

You might not be aware that your spinal column is made up of a variety of different bones that are stacked on top of each other. These are known as vertebrae and these include bones in the Cervical spine, Thoracic spine as well as the Lumbar spine. The bones are supported and protected by discs which help them absorb shocks that can occur through daily activities. 

These discs have a couple different parts, a soft inner section and a tough outer ring. Injury may occur if the soft nucleus protrudes through the outer ring (annulus fibrosis). 

There are a variety of injuries that are possible, including tears, prolapses or herniated disc. All will cause significant levels of pain and discomfort, often locally and in other areas. 

What Are The Causes 

There are a variety of causes for a disc injury. For instance, you might find that the disc slips when you are turning or lifting a heavy object. If you are overweight or physically unfit, you could also be more at risk of developing this type of injury. Vertebrae that are out of position will cause abnormal weight distribution to go through discs, and this will make them more prone to injury. Disc injuries are less common in later years, because there is less fluid in the discs over time.

A disc injury could also be the result of physical trauma through a car accident or even a sports event. 


Your Chiropractic Doctor is expert in assessing for the signs of a disc lesion, and will run several tests on your first visit to determine this.


There are a few symptoms to watch out for if you are worried that you might be suffering from a slipped disc. This includes pain and numbness in one side of your body or pain that travels through your arms and legs. You might also find that pain gets worse with particular movements and issues when standing or sitting. You might even find that you have unexplained muscle weakness. All these are symptoms that suggest there could be an issue with a disc in your back. 


We will assess your entire spine and determine how well your spine is functioning. This will include Orthopaedic, Neurological, and Functional testing. If we find chiropractic issues, we will perform spinal adjustments, mobilisations, and soft tissue work to reduce your pain and regain function.

Find Out More

If you think you are suffering from a disc injury, please make sure that you book an appointment to see one of our expert team members today. We will diagnose your issue and then offer a personalised treatment plan that perfectly matches your needs.