Have you been involved in a car accident recently or even years ago? Or have you had a significant fall? You may well be suffering from whiplash.

What Is Whiplash? 

Whiplash usually occurs when your body stops sharply, and your head continues moving. It is one of the commonest injuries to experience after a car accident, and can affect the driver or passengers. The injury is caused by a forceful rapid back and forth movement of the neck. This movement is often front to back, but can also be side to side. The name is derived from the fact that the movement is similar to the cracking of a whip. 

Causes Of Whiplash

While this injury will typically be due to a car accident, it can also occur through a sports accident, trauma or physical abuse. In fact, any situation that involves sharp and forceful movement of the neck can cause whiplash.

Signs And Symptoms 

There are a few signs and symptoms of whiplash that you should understand. This includes stiffness in the neck, pain in the neck and potentially headaches. Arm pains and weakness may also result from whiplash. Initial acute symptoms will often subside over time, even if the neck joints remain out of position.

It is possible, for whiplash to become a constant or chronic condition. As such, the pain can be felt for months or even years after the original incident. Symptoms from a whiplash incident can manifest months and even years after the injury.


You can benefit from a chiropractor if you are suffering from whiplash. We will examine your spine and identify any areas where there is a restricted level of joint motion. We will also look for tenderness and examine how well your joints move. 

A chiropractor can work to reduce any level of neck inflammation and increase movement using a variety of different therapeutic techniques, and provide you with exercises for home.

Find Out More Now 

If you think you are suffering from whiplash, make sure that you book an appointment today. With our support, we will make sure that pain from whiplash does not become a constant issue in your life.